World Yoga Day
Yoga, Yogasana, Yogasadhana have unique importance in Indian ancient culture and traditions. Since ancient times, Rishis, Sadhusant have been convincing the importance of yoga, its benefits and its necessity. In today’s hectic life, we can keep our body healthy through yoga; Besides. It can also cultivate the mind. It can be said that yoga is the combined exercise of body and mind. This yoga culture of India has been adopted by most of the countries globally, and they have also experienced the benefits of yogasana on a large scale. Countries all over the world have not only adopted yoga, but have also promoted and propagated it. Yoga Day has gained special importance when the whole world is under the threat of Corona virus. We urge everyone to incorporate yoga into their daily life as much as possible.
International Yoga Day is celebrated worldwide on 21st June every year. It has been approved by the United Nations. The Prime Minister of India Mr. Narendraji Modi proposed that 21 June should be celebrated as ‘International Yoga Day’ at the United Nations General Assembly held in September 2014. The proposal was supported by the co-representatives of 175 countries out of 193 countries of the United Nations. Countries like USA, England, China, France, Russia, which are permanent members of Security Commission, are also co-representatives of this proposal. After extensive discussion, this day was approved in December 2014. The first International Day of Yoga was celebrated on 21st June 2015 across the world. Yoga Day was celebrated by 75 social organizations under the inspiration of His Holiness Sri Sri Ravi Shankar with the intention of social voluntary organizations contributing to this Yoga Day activity.
In the Western world the term “yoga” often refers to the modern form of hatha yoga and asana-based physical fitness, stress-relief and relaxation techniques, largely involving asanas; It differs from traditional yoga, which focuses on meditation and freedom from worldly attachments. It was introduced by gurus in India in the late 19th and early 20th centuries after Swami Vivekananda’s success in adapting yoga without asanas. Vivekananda introduced the Yoga Sutras to the West and became prominent after the success of Hatha Yoga in the 20th century.
Yoga involves holding and moving in different asanas, which can vary depending on the type of yoga you practice. According to Johns Hopkins Medicine, both slow movements and deep breathing exercises in yoga increase blood flow and warm up your muscles. Not only can it make you stronger over time, but it can also improve your balance.
Yoga promotes better health as it can actually strengthen your immune system. That’s right folks. Practicing yoga daily can reduce your chances of getting sick by stimulating your body’s natural responses. Yoga can reduce stress, which can also affect your immune system, according to a 2011 study published in the International Journal of Yoga.
9 Benefits of Yoga:
  1. Yoga improves strength, balance and flexibility.
  2. Yoga relieves back pain.
  3. Yoga reduces the symptoms of joint pain.
  4. Yoga benefits heart health.
  5. Yoga relaxes you, which helps you sleep better.
  6. Yoga can mean more energy and a brighter mood.
  7. Yoga helps you manage stress.
  8. Yoga connects you with a supportive community.
  9. Yoga promotes better self-care.
‘World Yoga Day’ is celebrated on June 21 every year across the world to create awareness about the practice of yoga and its benefits. The importance of yoga in human life is unique. Practicing yoga helps bring about many positive changes in human life at the physical, mental and spiritual levels.
In September 2014, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi proposed to the United Nations General Assembly that June 21 should be celebrated as ‘International Yoga Day’. 175 out of 193 countries in the United Nations General Assembly approved the proposal. After a detailed discussion on this, in December 2014, this day was fully approved. The first ‘World Yoga Day’ was celebrated on 21st June 2015 across the world. Many events were organized on this day all over the world. Prime Minister Narendra Modi himself participated in the program and performed yoga on the Rajpath in Delhi, the capital of India. Two Guinness world records were set in this event. The largest yoga class with 35,985 participants and the participation of citizens of 84 different countries in a single yoga class became two world records.
June 21 is the longest day of the year. On this day Uttarayana ends and Dakshinayana begins. On this day sunrise is early and sunset is late. As the day is long, this day has gained special importance.
Yoga is an ancient tradition of India. Specific yoga practices are practiced to gain knowledge and keep the body and mind fit. All these sadhanas have been preserved by the guru-disciple tradition since ancient times till today. But still there was not enough awareness about yoga in people’s minds. Only a limited number of people knew the importance of yoga and people had some misconceptions about yoga. E.g., practicing yoga means turning away from samsara or yoga is only a part of Hinduism etc. Also, some people have distorted the form of yoga instruments by mixing other strange things; Eg, Bear Yoga, Dog Yoga etc. The main objective behind the celebration of World Yoga Day is to create awareness about the tools of the ancient scriptural tradition of yoga and to create awareness among the people and to improve their physical and mental health by practicing yoga. World Yoga Day has helped create a great deal of awareness at all levels of society.
On the occasion of World Yoga Day, many programs related to yoga are organized with great enthusiasm by government as well as other levels. There are demonstrations of many yoga-related activities like yogasana, suddhikriya, pranayama, and lectures on yoga-philosophy, ancient books of yoga, sadhana in yoga, yoga therapy etc. are organized. Programs such as Surya Namaskar, Yogasana etc. are organized for the students from the school level.           In the current situation, it has become necessary to make yoga an integral part of our daily life. Due to the covid epidemic in 2020, along with physical health, mental health is also at risk. In such a time, many people are seen practicing yoga together through internet. In the year 2020 and 2021, where people are not able to come together and practice yoga due to the covid epidemic, ‘World Yoga Day’ was celebrated with great enthusiasm through Mahajalaka.
Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav is an initiative of the Government of India to celebrate and commemorate 75 years of independence and the glorious history of its people, culture and achievements. The festival is dedicated to the people of India who have not only played an important role in bringing India this far in its evolutionary journey but also have the power and potential to enable Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s vision of activating India 2.0. Self-reliant India. Under this initiative we conducted yoga training at 75 places.
Yoga has many benefits for physical and mental health. This is a valuable ancient Indian practice. Gurudev Hon. Sri Sri Ravi Shankarji promoted Yoga, Pranayama and Meditation through Art of Living and has been successful in promoting Yoga. Now we try to promote all courses of Art of Living through this Yoga Yagna. Today we all are facing a terrible crisis called Corona. Although the number of corona patients has decreased, it is not over yet. All the medical experts are saying that boosting the immunity of citizens is the only way to get out of this crisis safely. Yoga will help people maintain physical and mental health. Yoga and Pranayama have been the mantra of good health in India for thousands of years. Yoga not only provides physical and mental relaxation but also develops strength and flexibility.
Gurudev Hon. Sri Sri Ravi Shankar says about yoga:
  • Let’s have a deeper understanding of Yoga and its benefits and scope?” ‘How Yoga Can Help Your Child’ and “How Yoga Can Lead a Happy and Peaceful Life.”
  • Yoga is the study of life – body, breath, mind, intellect, memory and ego. This is the study of your inner faculties.
  • Happiness lies deep within us. To keep the mind like a clear mirror, to remain unmoved by eternal events, is yoga.
  • Yoga means union. Yoga unites our heart, mind, body and soul. It unites us and the people around us.
  • Yoga is not just some exercise. It’s so much more – it increases your awareness, sharpens your intellect and enhances your intuitive abilities.
  • Yoga brings you closer to your true nature. Yoga, with its techniques, helps us to harmonize with nature. Peace is our nature and yoga leads us to inner peace.
  • Yoga is a discipline that opens the door to inner freedom.
  • Every child has creativity that finds expression through meditation, yoga and sudarshan kriya.
  • Caring, sharing and responsibility are qualities that yoga inculcates in us. We all have it within us, but it needs to be nurtured. I would say yoga is a great tool to hold a person accountable.
  • Work is not as exhausting as desires and attachments. A yogi works 100 percent without desire or attachment. This is karma yoga.
When the mind controls a person, it is Bhoga (Bandhana). But when one controls the mind that is yoga.